Saturday, January 28, 2012


I am so thankful at how God does his work
even more amazed at how HE works in the lives of other women

...... meet Casey........... !!
( I don't know how to do that fancy thing yet, where you can put the name of the blog into another word, so the link will just have to do)

I'm SO thankful that God has and is working in her life....

MOST thankful that SHE likes to blog about it and that I am blessed enough to read it.

Such a mentor....In a blogging world.

Friday, January 27, 2012

this year....

I want to.....

eat less.
watch LESS TV. that's a big one that has worked so far. Instead of coming home and just watching mundane junk on TV, instead we cook dinner together...TALK A LOT MORE, listen to music and not to mention how much more i am sewing.

We get to ged on time and i;m leaping a lot better.

so far , so good.


We had a house warming. It only took 6 months to happen and then only 12 months for me to blog about it.... but it did happen.

I'll let the photos tell the story, but it was a lovely morning celebrating our first and new home, my wonderful husband 28th birthday and yummy breakfast....and GREAT coffee..


Sunday, December 4, 2011

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree

It was a fun Sunday. After catching up with some friends for breakfast, we headed out to grab ourselves a tree. We managed to get there just after a massive storm had hit and was yet to return, so timing was perfect.
We were like two kids in a candy store. Wondering around amongst all the big bushy, fresh green trees. They always smell amazing!That is Jem searching for the perfect tree.

We found one!
The best part.
It had just poured down, so Jem got a tad wet. He was still nice and strong and able to carry our tree.

Fits like a treat.

Now to take her home and decorate.

Those photos to come.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Got a call from a girl friend today and guess what...
Another one on the way.

Better get sewing.

find me keep me

Amy and the boy + Andrews brother getting their picture snapped. Along with a few props. Very cute idea.
A few little badges that did come home with me. Not bad for only $1 each.
The Lovely 'Lightly'. I'm lucky enough to already own a few Lightly items. Their products and truly beautiful.
Some live music.
The very lovely Janet and her Feloffa stall. All designed and printed by her. All Australian made too. Check her out here -
The Team from Made 590
This guy was begging to come home with me - he didn't. I have more than enough chairs than I know what to do with.